Post by Lady Lantern on Mar 15, 2016 18:36:46 GMT
Titan Bloodlines and Power List
The children, many teachers and some of those residing in Corinth City have been blessed, or cursed depending on your view, as descendants of Gods and Goddesses, or children of Titans. While there are a significant number of each, the only Titan bloodlines currently available to be descendants from are listed below, along with the abilities and powers a descendant may gain from that particular bloodline. More will be added as the site grows.
A note on powers: Characters can have anywhere from all of the abilities in their bloodline to only one. The more a character has, the weaker each one is. If your character only has one ability, for example flight, it will be significantly stronger then someone with flight and heightened reactions and, as a caution, if they have four or more powers, then each of those abilities will not be much more than what most humans can do on a regular basis. All powers come with weaknesses and side effects, and these can vary from character to character, and must be written up in your character app.Explaining how multiple powers work.As there's been a bit of confusion over this, allow me to make a cheesy explanation. Imagine each power's strength is like a pie. If a character only has one power, that power gets the whole pie and thus the whole strength. If a character has two powers, the pie is cut in half so both the powers could not have the full pie for their strength. If a character has three or four powers, then the pie would be cut up into thirds or fourths respectively while all taking from the same pie of strength.The portions cut from the pie do not necessarily need to be equally proportionate, meaning the multiple powers of a character would not need to be of exact equal strength. For example a character could have two powers but one "primary" power that has more strength than the other. In terms of pie portions that would mean the cuts from the pie aren't equal (one is smaller than the other), but they still add up to the same amount of pie. In this way members can divvy out varying amounts of strength to different powers as they see fit. But still keep in mind that pies with more slices (aka characters with more powers) will have smaller slices than pies with less (aka characters with fewer powers or only one).Hopefully this helps.Also yes we just compared powers to pie.Current Bloodlines AvailableKronosGod of Time and The Harvest
One of the most prolific Titan bloodlines, children of Kronos are the most hated and most closely watched out of all Titan descendants. Most of Zeus's bloodline hold a terrible grudge for children of Kronos, and Kronos' children are generally reduced to hard labour employment positions in order to keep them in check. It's rare for this bloodline to become high achievers, or get enough money to make a monthly rent, as the Demigods are careful to keep them firmly under their thumb. They often face violence and harsh punishment at mere accusations.Power List:
- Botanokinesis (The ability to manipulate plants)
- Psychometry
- Ability to speed up or slow down time (Note that only the user is affected. Time seems to slow for them or seems to fly by)
- Chronoception (The ability to perceive and have a constant awareness of time. the user has a highly tuned sense of time. Some others can tell another's age when using this ability)
- Prescience
RheaMother of Zeus
Since Rhea chose to side with her son during the great war with the Titans, she was granted an honorary position as a minor goddess. As such, those from her bloodline are treated far better then those of other Titan bloodlines, although are still seen as being below that of Demigods. Some of Rhea's descendants may feel as though they're deserving of a higher status, given the fact Rhea is Zeus's mother. Children of Rhea often into the fields of research, therapy, farming, athletics, and are known to be hard workers. In terms of the ongoing dispute, Rhea's bloodline tends to go with the flow, and many other children of Titans see Rhea's descendants as traitors.Power List:
- Geokinesis (The ability to manipulate earth)
- Botanokinesis (The ability to manipulate plants)
- Calming Emotional Control (The ability to calm or soothe others)
- Ability to temporarily slow down time
- Enhanced productivity
- Enahnced growth (Physically, intellectually)
ThemisGoddess of Law and Order
Themis also sided with Zeus during the great war with the Titans, but despite this her bloodline are still viewed as second class citizens by many Demigods; which has left them fairly resentful of them, and jealous of Rhea's bloodline who are treated far better. That being said, descendants of Themis are allowed to excel, and often become lawyers, police officers, secretaries, and far known for excellent organization. Hera's bloodline look down on Themis's children to a large extent, due to Zeus's past tryst with Themis, although have respect for Themis herself, since she looked after Hera when Zeus threatened her.Power List:
- Ordered Intuition (Envision an overly understanding of underlaying patterns and structure and how to use patterns to plan an outcome)
- Health Optimisation (Able to sense and access a person's health and heal any problems, leaving a patient in optimum condition)
- Reality Grounding (Immunity to all realty bending abilities such as illusions or glamours)
- Enhanced Emotional Control (The ability to easily control their emotions and think rationally)
- Prescience (Limited instinctive foreknowledge of incoming events, sich as being able to predict the weather, read body language to predict another's moves. If generalised, this could become very limited, such as preventing someone from walking in to a wall)
- Remote Viewing/Scrying (Able to view someone far away through other means, such as touching a personal object. Dream scrying among other things are possible, perhaps a focus on chaotic events that require attention)
PrometheusThe Fire Giver
Prometheus may have taken Zeus's side during the Titan war, but since he openly defied the Thunder God by giving humans fire, his bloodline is treated incredibly poorly, with Zeus's descendants especially known for subjecting and tormenting them. Due to their trickster tendencies they're seen as untrustworthy by many Demigods and Titan children alike, and it's uncertain where their loyalty would lie should they be forced to take sides, despite their forefather betraying the Titans and joining Zeus. Children from this bloodline could be anything they wanted to be... If they weren't forced to take the work the Demigods didn't want. Luckily their thieving tendencies mean they align quite well with those of Hermes, the only Demigods they don't seem to hold as much hatred for, so the black market is a popular place for these tricksters.Power List:
- Fire Manipulation
- Enhanced Intelligence
- Intuitive Aptitude (The ability to instantly learn and understand what one reads/sees/experiences e.t.c. without long study)
- Causality Perception (The user can perceive and understand all the cause and effect relations, deducing the path leading to any effect, allowing them to plan, analyse and take action with absolute efficiency. They can perceive the cause and effect relations of their own thoughts, giving them the ability to tackle various situations by simply thinking about the possible routes they could take)
- Persuasion (The ability to influence others using their voice)
- Regenerative Healing
- Enhanced Reflexes
- Enhanced Dexterity
PolusGod of Heavenly Oracles and The North
Children of Polus are monitored under a similar level of suspicion as those of Kronos. Being a major player in the Titan war has placed his descendants in hard labour positions and in being kept as down as the Demigods can force them. The rare few of Polus' descendants who can see prophetic visions are often forced to tell Demigod authorities as keeping any information to themselves would be seen as seditious behavior and met with harsh punishment. Polus and Kronos' children often get along well, bonding in their hatred for the Demigods and through the shared hardships.Power List:
- Cryokinesis (Ice Manipulation)
- Prescience
- Prophecy (Rare and limited, and any prophecies must be run by staff before they can become canon)
- Enhanced Intelligence
- Enhanced Memory
- Causality Perception
TheiaGoddess of Prophecy and Sight
Theia supported her lover Hyperion in the war against Zeus, and thus her children are treated with scorn and suspicion. They aren't quite as focused on as Polus and Kronos's bloodline however, since she was considered a minor player in the war and the worst of the venom is reserved for the more well known Titans. Any child of hers gifted with foresight is also required to give up any information they learn through any visions they may have.Power List:
- Prophecy (Rare and limited. Remember all prophecies must be cleared by staff before they're made canon)
- Far sight (The ability to see things clearly from a great distance)
- Scrying
- Enhanced Visibility
- Light Manipulation (The ability to manipulate light. Can cause invisibility, holographic projection, illusions, e.t.c.)
- Light Solidification (Can be weaponised, used as armour, e.t.c.)
- Light Negation (User can negate light and light based attacks/powers. Negate light can also cause darkness)
- Prescience
REMEMBER: If you have an idea for a power not listed here or any questions, simply message a member of staff about it. We'd be more then
happy to hear your ideas and help you!